Please remember to register for Fall 2024, Winter 2025, and Spring 2025 terms by April 30, 2024.
What is the Partial-load Registry?
The Partial-Load Registry is a product of the 2017 – 2021 CAAT-A Collective Agreement that provides an increased level of job protection for partial-load faculty (i.e. teaching 7 – 12 hours per week). By registering, employees are confirming their desire for future work as a partial-load employee at Lambton College. This registry also documents each registered partial-load employee’s job experience, including their service months, what courses they have previously taught since Fall 2017 at Lambton, and the School(s) in which those courses were taught. The onus is on the faculty member to demonstrate any previous courses taught prior to Fall 2017.
Who can register?
Any past or present partial-load employees at Lambton may register their interest.
Why should I register?
The collective agreement now requires the College to give hiring priority to registered partial-load faculty. This means that when Associate Deans and Deans determine that there is a need to hire a partial-load employee, they must consult the Registry and first offer the course to a qualified partial-load faculty that has previously taught the course. To be considered as “qualified”, you must be registered in the Registry, and be either currently employed as a partial-load employee or have 8 service months of partial-load teaching in the past 4 years. Therefore, if you do not register, you may not receive teaching opportunities that you otherwise would have been eligible to receive.
How do I register?
Go to: Partial Load Registry and provide the necessary information. In addition to selecting the department(s) you teach in, you must also select the number of teaching contact hours (TCH) you are prepared to teach for the upcoming academic year. From the drop-down menu, please select one option from 7 to 12 TCH per week.
When do I register?
Registration opened January 1, 2024 and will close on April 30, 2024. Please be aware that late registrations will not be accepted.
I still have questions! Who can I contact?
Please feel free to contact your local steward or email