Bargaining Update – November 11

First, the team would like to take a moment this Remembrance Day and following Indigenous Veterans Day to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice, past and present, of those who have served in times of war and times of peace.

We met with the CEC team today to provide initial feedback and questions in regard to their latest proposal, which was tabled at 4:30pm yesterday in response to the faculty proposal tabled on Monday.  

The faculty team also offered additional dates to continue bargaining next week, and let the CEC team know we’d have a revised offer ready for them on Monday.  To be clear, the faculty team is committed to continuing to bargain, and to ensuring that faculty are kept up to date on key issues related to bargaining.

The latest agreed-upon blackout ended today at 6pm, and we had postponed Monday’s scheduled meeting until tonight to accommodate that request.  

We continue to bargain in good faith, and look forward to further productive discussions.    

We look forward to meeting with faculty tonight at the provincewide virtual update on bargaining.  The registration link can be found here: The link to attend will then be sent automatically to the email address you used to register.

Please note the following statements of support from our faculty colleagues in the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (, as well as from the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario (

In solidarity,
JP, Jonathan, Katie, Michelle, Ravi, Rebecca, Shawn