Bargaining Update – September 10

The team met with the College Employer Council team today and completed this week’s bargaining. There are eight scheduled bargaining dates remaining before our Collective Agreement expires.

With less than three weeks left until our Collective Agreement expires, the employer’s bargaining team has yet to table language around several of the changes that they have indicated they wish to make to our Collective Agreement, or what they have called “areas of concern”.  In addition, they have not presented counter-proposals on the majority of key faculty demands, and have simply dismissed several others.  

Today, the employer team proposed language on respectful workplaces, dates for union release time, and the assignment of coordinator duties.  They did not address faculty concerns around structural changes in relation to harassment and discrimination, and dismissed the need for joint union-employer committee work to be recorded on SWFs.  In addition, the employer team continued in their questioning of the legitimacy of faculty demands rather than dealing with the substance of these concerns.

We are particularly disappointed that the employer has not yet provided any response to our proposals for gains for Partial-Load faculty, except to deny outright the need to create minimum staffing ratios of full-time to non-full-time faculty.  Our other partial-load proposals include:

  • Establishing a priority for the colleges to hire partial-load over other contract faculty categories
  • Meaningful workload measurements (as opposed to paying PL faculty the same amount regardless of the number of students in their classes)
  • Language to ensure equity in Partial-Load faculty workloads
  • Transparency in the Partial-Load registry along with improved job security 

Faculty have sent the team to the bargaining table with a clear vision for a better future for Ontario colleges and students.  The team developed a plan to make that vision a reality.  We have demonstrated the need for change and provided specific language to address it.  It is past time for the CEC team to do the same.

Please see attached presentations and proposals.
Management Response – Joint Committee Work, Outside Work and Coordinators Proposals
College Proposal – Harassment and Discrimination Amendment
College Proposal – Union Release Time
College Proposal – Assignment of Coordinator Duties