Equity Seeking Group Town Hall (via Zoom) with the Bargaining Team – June 25th, 10:00 – 11:30 am
We invite faculty (Professors, Counsellors, Librarians, Instructors) from equity seeking groups from all 24 colleges, to join us in a discussion focused on the barriers to access, opportunity and resources experienced in the college system. We would like to provide space to discuss our approach in the upcoming bargaining to ensure they represent your demands. We really hope you will join us, your input is essential.
*This event requires pre-registration at the link below. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to the email you provide 1 hour before the event.
Equity Town Hall Registration Link: https://forms.gle/dw8ni3NAXPBLg9ke7
Indigenous Caucus (via Zoom) with the Bargaining Team – June 28th, 12:00 – 1:30pm
We invite Indigenous faculty (Professors, Counsellors, Librarians, Instructors) from all 24 colleges, to join us in a discussion focussed on the barriers to access, opportunity and resources experienced by Indigenous faculty in the college system. We would like to discuss how our strategies and language in the upcoming bargaining can better represent First Nations, Metis and Inuit concerns. We really hope you will join us, your input is essential.
*This event requires pre-registration at the link below. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to the email you provide 1 hour before the event.
Indigenous caucus registration link: https://forms.gle/bANMkNN229UZUSDx8