August 3, 2021 – The bargaining team will be meeting with the employer on August 3, 4, and 5. Their goal is to table their entire proposal package by the end of this week so that they can begin negotiations immediately and work toward a better collective agreement that satisfies our members’ demands.
Partial Load Proposals
Workload Proposals
Equity Proposals
August 4, 2021 – The bargaining team tabled proposals on the class definitions of a professor and counsellor. Additionally, they presented proposals on academic freedom, intellectual property rights and shared governance, and finally, staffing.
Class Definitions Proposals
Academic Freedom, Intellectual Property, and Academic Councils Proposals
Staffing Proposals
August 5, 2021 – The bargaining team presented proposals on Joint Committee Time, Article 11.06 (outside employment), and Coordinators.
Joint Committee Work Proposals
Outside Work Proposals
Coordinators Proposals
August 10, 2021 – The team met with the College Employer Council team again today. Please see the attached Bargaining Update. The CEC team presented their response to the faculty’s counsellor class definition proposal.
Faculty Proposal – Class Definitions
College Proposal – Counsellor Class Definition
August 11, 2021 – The team met with the College Employer Council team again today. Please see the attached Bargaining Update.
College Proposal – Workload
CEC Bargaining Team’s Response to Equity Proposal
Union Presentation – Equity Proposal
Union Proposal – Preamble
August 12, 2021 – The team wrapped up their final day with the CEC this month. They will meet again with them September 9th and 10th. Please see the attached Bargaining Update.
Union Response to Counsellor Class Definition and Workload Proposals
CEC Team Chair Presentation
College Proposal – Workload