Work To Rule Survey

Research on Work to Rule

As far as we know from our colleagues at the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), the work to rule (WTR) campaign launched by the CAAT-A bargaining team in our 2021-22 contract negotiations was the first such campaign in the history of Canadian post-secondary. Given the unprecedented nature of WTR and the many challenges it posed to members and to union leaders, it is important to reflect on the practice and assess its strengths and weaknesses as a bargaining strategy. 

To this end, we have prepared a survey about WTR for all Ontario College faculty members. This survey is intended to solicit honest feedback on various aspects of WTR and to facilitate an analysis of the strategy that can inform future rounds of bargaining. 

The survey results, along with data gained from interviews, will be compiled into a report and presented at the October, 2022 CAAT-A Divisional meeting. All data will be presented anonymously. 

We hope that you will participate in the survey and help improve the effectiveness of future bargaining teams. 

Work to Rule Survey for All Faculty:

The survey is open now, and will remain open until Friday, October 14th, at 11pm

If you have any questions about the survey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kevin MacKay at:

Thank you for your support and participation in this research project! 

Kevin MacKay, Vice President, OPSEU Local 240
Martin Devitt, Steward, OPSEU Local 242